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PPC Advertising Services
PPC Advertising Services

Steps for Successful Online Advertising

PPC (Pay per click) advertising has the potential to be a powerful tool to drive highly relevant traffic to your website that is intent on converting.

Success in paid advertising comes from quality management

Fundamentals of a Strong PPC Strategy

A good PPC campaign isn’t just down to the adverts. Targeting, advert extensions, placements & automated rules (and many other variables) all make a huge impact.

If you want to make the most of your budget and drive the best traffic, get the greatest results and highest returns on investment, then you need effective management of your PPC campaigns.

Our Aim: Decrease Cost Per Conversion and Increase your Return on Ad Spend

Great management can dramatically reduce how much you spend on pay per click adverts, as well as the cost-per-sale.

Most businesses (especially small businesses) put up an advert with some basic targeting and hope for the best. This is like putting expensive fuel in a really inefficient engine. It might get you to where you want to be, but it will likely cost you far more and is more prone to running into problems.

By continually optimising your campaign around lowering the cost per lead, and by targeting your ideal customer, we manage from the ads platform to the website to ensure we are generating not just more leads, but better leads.

What Goes Into Our PPC Campaigns

Research, planning & strategy

Success in PPC advertising (and marketing in general), isn’t down to luck. Finding out, understanding and planning who to target, what to say & when to say it is 90% of the battle.

For channels like Google Ads you need to understand what people are searching for, what their intent is and the commercial viability. For channels like Facebook Ads you need the same understanding, but you position the adverts very differently due to the different format of the adverts.

Research, planning & strategy will tell you what the best PPC channels to advertise on will be, how much you need to spend, what you need to say, how you need to say it & what the likelihood of success will be.

Research, planning & strategy

Accurate, specific targeting

Advanced targeting will stop you wasting budget on pointless clicks, and increase your exposure to relevant users.

There are lots of advanced rules to refine what keywords your adverts show up on Google Ads. There are also hundreds of targeting options on Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn Ads such as job, age, gender, location, interests, hobbies or locations recently visited, and many more.

The sky is the limit with targeting, and we can make sure your adverts are showing up to the right people.

Accurate, specific targeting

Intelligent & experienced setup

How your PPC advert accounts are setup makes a huge difference to how they perform, but also how easy they are to manage.

You can use campaigns for specific services, adgroups/adsets to test and refine targeting, as well as grouping your adverts and testing different images, copy & calls to action.

It’s not as simple as “create an advert, pay your money & get results”. There’s a lot of work that goes into creating an effective, manageable & valuable PPC account.

Intelligent & experienced setup

Powerful adverts

It goes without saying that the actual adverts themselves play a huge part in the success of your PPC campaign.

The trick behind great adverts is a series of “prospecting & moving”. Prospect for new successful adverts by testing headlines, copy, calls to action, images and more – and when you find the ads that perform well, move all of the test budgets into the good ads.

Repeat this process and you will continually move your campaigns forwards whilst seeing ongoing continual growth.

Powerful adverts

An effective landing page & user journey

Spoken about less often in PPC advertising is the landing pages and website user journey

The job of your adverts is to set an expectation and get people onto your website. It is then the job of your website to turn them into customers.

It’s essential to test new landing pages and consider the context of the expectation that you set in your adverts to the wider user journey.Your landing pages and website user journey will have a massive impact on the success of your paid ads and PPC campaigns.

An effective landing page & user journey

How we create & manage powerful PPC campaigns

1 Research, plan & strategy

We want your PPC campaign to succeed, which is why we have to start with a well thought out strategy.

Our initial research will decide who is best to target, the types of adverts, and even what PPC channel we actually recommend using.

Research, planning & strategy are the most important stages of any marketing activity - especially when we're talking about investing thousands of pounds into paid budget.

2 Account review & setup

We look through your PPC accounts and bring them up to a standard which will enable high-performance campaigns.

You might have all of the parts for a supercar, but until they’re all connected correctly you don’t have a powerful machine.

This is about ensuring the foundations & structure are in place to run tests, assign budgets logically and push the account forwards as the campaign runs.

3 Test different adverts, targeting & landing pages

Testing enables learning which can be applied both to your PPC campaigns but also to your wider business. This is essential for your success.

We test different adverts including wording, tone of voice, calls to action, imagery and landing pages, and we test different targeting including gender, age, location, interests & hobbies, keywords, and much more.

The results don’t just help us get a better result from your PPC campaign, but the learnings we generate can be applied to your website, other marketing channels and much more too.

4 Attribute budget to the most effective adverts, targeting & landing pages

We reassign your budget to the most effective & highest performing adverts, to make your budget work the hardest.

You need your budget to work hard for you. This is why we aim to keep almost all of your budget loaded into the highest performing adverts. As soon as we can definitively say that one (or more) adverts are performing extremely well, we look to amplify its performance.

All of our teams are full of exceptionally talented professionals who thrive off of getting you results.

5 Prospect for new opportunities while the account performs

While your successful adverts bring you business, we test new potential adverts to find additional successes.

We always keep the majority of your budget in the highest performing adverts to drive your results, but we always keep a small portion for running new tests to discover new learnings & find new successful adverts.

The moment we stop testing is the moment you stop learning about your adverts, customers and the perception of your product/service.

You always need to prospect & test, even with high-performing ads running.

6 Repeat with our learnings

We don’t want you to have just 1 successful advert and campaign. We want you to have a multitude of powerful, successful and profitable campaigns to drive your business forwards.

That’s why we always prospect for new opportunities whilst your successful adverts run. As we find new successful ads, we update budgets and then start the process again to find yet more powerful opportunities.

Results from our process

Wilkins & Palmers
Wilkins & Palmers

Google AdWords campaigns

Increase in leads
Cost per lead
Children of London
Children of London

Facebook Adverts campaigns

Increase in leads
Total spend

What our clients think

Children of London
Managing Director

Children of London

“Working with Red Balloon has been an absolute pleasure. They were incredibly efficient, approachable and professional throughout the process and we couldn’t be more pleased with the results. They have exceeded our expectations and we look forward to working with them in the future.“

Karen Yeomans
Managing Director

Karen Yeomans

“Working with Red Balloon is a fun creative process, they bring neat ideas and great perspective to the project. Their proposals are well thought out and communication is easy and enjoyable. I look forward to our continued relationship and highly recommend them to colleagues and clients.”

We work with some amazing clients:

We're proud to support a wide range of businesses including small and local to large international. We align ourselves with your objectives and drive results.

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Have a conversation with us about your next project and find out how we can help you out.

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