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Social Media Marketing Services
Social Media Marketing Services

Social Media services for better brand advocacy

Social media has the potential to make a huge impact to every business. The difference between a great social media marketing campaign and a bad one is in the value proposition.

You get out what you put in with social media. If you want to post random pictures or hard-sell messages then you will likely struggle. We direct your brand & manage your social media to enable growth and long-term success.

High engagement social media management

Social media is about entertainment, engagement & value

Social media is a tool available to every business, but it’s used to provide value, not hard-sell.

Imagine you’ve walked into a room of people who are interested in having a conversation with your business. Your job is to have good conversations with these people that they will care about.

Social media is more than just posting offers or talking about your products. Always think about how you can add value to your followers.

Deliver relevant value and you will unlock a new long-term revenue stream

There is a technique called “jab-jab-jab-hook” (related to boxing). It’s the principle of giving value over and over again, and then presenting a great value proposition based on the content that you have already provided.

Mastering this technique is the key to success with social media marketing, and it’s what our social media management services focus on. How can we deliver value over and over, and then how can we tie all of that value into a great opportunity for your customers.

The moving parts to an effective social media campaign

Research & strategy

The research & strategy stage prevents pointless posting. You need to understand what your audience engage with (what sorts of posts, images, videos and topics)

By working out what your audience engages with we are able to build a test plan & content schedule that has the potential to work for your commercial objectives.

No more random posts and hoping for results.


Research & strategy

Legitimate value

Everything you do on social media has to provide legitimate value for your readers/audience. This can vary from something interesting, entertaining, emotive or educational.

Never post anything that provides little-to-no value for the audience.

Answer questions, make industry-specific jokes, give stories or show people how to achieve what they want to. There are lots of options of what to post & share.

Legitimate value

Jab, jab, jab – hook

There is a time to position sales on social media, and that comes after you have provided a lot of value. This is referred to as “jab, jab, jab - hook”.

Provide value, provide value, provide value – position sale.

You have to understand that social media is not a marketplace, and people don’t use it to find products/services. They use it to be entertained, informed & to pass time.

That said, you can leverage the value that you provide to build a relationship, and then leverage that relationship to generate sales.

Jab, jab, jab – hook

Paid social media, to grow a larger following/audience

Social media isn’t just “write posts and grow an audience”. You can boost posts to reach a specific audience who aren’t yet following you.

This is a valuable technique for growing your organic (free) audience, so you can reach them on an ongoing basis.

A lot of businesses start off by boosting posts to grow their audience before switching to free/organic posting once they have a following to speak to.

Paid social media, to grow a larger following/audience

User ExperienceOrganic social media, to engage your following & generate business

Organic (free) social media requires an audience of a certain size. There is no point in writing multiple posts a day if no one will ever see them.

Once you do have a sizable audience however, organic social media becomes an extremely powerful tool which enables you to frequently remind your audience that your business exists – for free.

Again, not to be used as a “hard sell” platform, but as part of a longer-term strategy, organic social media can pay dividends.

User ExperienceOrganic social media, to engage your following & generate business

Our process to get you the best results, in the shortest time

1 Research & strategy

We start every social media marketing campaign with a wide range of research.

The first step is to look through a range of businesses that are very close to your product/service offering who are influential on social media. We see what they’re talking about and what gets a lot of engagement, and what doesn’t.

We then check your activity and other data (including our advanced keyword research). The next step is using what you do well and matching it with what the big-players are doing well to create an initial testing strategy.

Research & strategy save time & result in significantly higher-performing campaigns.

2 Month by month content calendar and testing plan

We create a full content calendar which contains what we will be posting, when and why. This is also our testing plan.

Successful marketing campaigns don’t happen by accident. They are carefully thought through, tested and then developed from the feedback.

Our content calendar will have a range of posts, content types and images/vidoes, all designed to find out what works best for your brand.

3 User journey - from social media content through to the website

The job of social media is to generate awareness, remind people that your business exists and to prompt people back to your website.

It is for this reason that your website and landing pages are important to the success of your social media campaign. 

We review this journey and can help you develop it to further improve your results.

4 Produce & schedule posts. Monitor results

Our social media marketing team produce all of your posts ahead of time, send them to you for approval & schedule them to launch.

This enables you to provide input into content, edits and to have the final say on everything we put live for you. 

This also keeps our work transparent to you, so you can clearly see what we’re doing and what we hope the results will be.

5 Adjust the future work based on our learnings

Every marketing campaign, including social media, relies on learning from our testing plan. These learnings adjust our future work for improved results.

We feed these learnings back to you as they’re incredibly valuable for your wider business. For example, if we find a certain tone of voice or type of image to be highly effective then you can test that on your website or other adverts.

This isn’t just about the social media marketing campaign for us. It’s about being your partner to help you learn what works the best for your business, and supporting you to drive those learnings forwards into better results.

What our clients think

Xact Placements
Managing Director

Xact Placements

“We couldn’t honestly be happier with the results and are continuing to work with Billy and his team to take the new brand forward in ways we wouldn’t have even thought of at the start of this process, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Billy and his team to anyone considering their services.”

Karen Yeomans
Managing Director

Karen Yeomans

“Working with Red Balloon is a fun creative process, they bring neat ideas and great perspective to the project. Their proposals are well thought out and communication is easy and enjoyable. I look forward to our continued relationship and highly recommend them to colleagues and clients.”

We work with some amazing clients

We're proud to support a wide range of businesses including small and local to large international. We align ourselves with your objectives and drive results.

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